Christopher Makos

Christopher Makos was born in Lowell, Massachusetts, grew up
in California, and moved to New York after high school. He studied
architecture in Paris and briefly worked as an apprentice to Man Ray.
Andy Warhol, Makos' good friend and frequent portrait subject, called
Makos "the most modern photographer in America." His photographs
have been exhibited in galleries and museums such as the Guggenheim
Museum in Bilbao, the Tate Modern in London, the Whitney Museum of
American Art in New York, the IVAM in Valencia (Spain) and the Reina
Sofia Museum in Madrid. His pictures have appeared in magazines and
newspapers, including Paris Match and Wall Street Journal. He is the
author of several important books, like the volumes Warhol/Makos In
Context (2007), Andy Warhol China 1982 (2007) and Christopher Makos
Polaroids (2009).
Christopher Makos est né à Lowell, dans le Massachusetts. Il a
grandi en Californie et s'est installé à New York après le lycée. Il est
ensuite parti pour Paris où il a fait des études d'architecture et où il a
travaillé quelque temps comme apprenti chez Man Ray. Andy Warhol,
dont il était l'ami et qu'il a souvent photographié, disait de lui qu'il était
« le photographe le plus moderne d'Amérique ». Ses photographies ont
été exposées au Guggenheim de Bilbao, à la Tate Modern de Londres,
au Musée d'Art américain Whitney de New York, à l'IVAM de Valence
(Espagne) et au musée Reina Sofia de Madrid. Ses prises de vue ont été
publiées notamment dans Paris Match et le Wall Street Journal. Il est
l'auteur de plusieurs livres importants comme Warhol/Makos in Context
(2007), Andy Warhol China 1982 (2007) et Makos Polaroids (2009).
Christopher Makos nace en Lowell, Massachusetts, crece en
California y se muda a Nueva York tras acabar el bachillerato. Estudia
arquitectura en París, donde trabaja como aprendiz de Man Ray durante
un breve tiempo. Andy Warhol, buen amigo de Makos y con frecuencia
objeto de sus retratos, decía de él que era «el fotógrafo más moderno de
América». Sus fotografías se han expuesto en galerías y museos como el
Museo Guggenheim de Bilbao, la Tate Modern de Londres, el Whitney
Museum of American Art de Nueva York, el Instituto Valenciano de Arte
Moderno (IVAM) y el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía de
Madrid. Sus imágenes han aparecido en revistas y publicaciones como
Paris Match o Wall Street Journal. Es autor de importantes libros, entre
los que destacan Warhol/Macos In Context (2007), Andy Warhol China
1982 (2007) y Christopher Makos Polaroids (2009).
Christopher Makos burst onto the photography scene with his 1977 book, WHITE TRASH. This raw, beautiful book chronicled the downtown NYC punk scene, interspersed with portraits of Uptown Boldface names like the designer Halston and Andy Warhol, who called Makos the "most modern photographer in America".
Up to this point, Makos had traveled widely in Europe, spending time with Man Ray during the great artist's last birthday celebrations in Fregene, Italy. The master surrealist and friend of Duchamp took a special interest in Makos and spent a day talking closely with the brash young American, sharing with him many practical insights into his working method as a photographer.
Makos continued to document the NY scene in the 80's using his Interview Magazine "IN" column to present up and coming stars Matt Dillon, Christian Slater, Robert Downey JR. Tom Ford. and began a long term love with Spain, where he continues to be a regular in Madrid. His portraits of Pedro Almodovar, Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, Bibi Andersen and Miguel Bose helped identify La Movida.
Makos latest projects include a book of hid SX 70 Polaroids, with an essay by his friend Calvin Klein. LADY WARHOL, published this fall, presents 120 portraits of Andy in various wigs and make-up guises from the 1981 two-day Makos shoot they conceived as an homage to Man Ray's Rose Selavy collaboration